"We design fun, high-quality games, toys, books and apps to teach children essential skills using an innovative teaching method." - Headu founders
Chiu Chiu! Here comes the train of numbers from the new Puzzle little train 123 from Headu! Put the puzzle together, connect the numerical figure to the quantity and place the children in the corresponding spaces, father the world boarding! Your children will have fun while learning to count and recognize the numbers from 1 to 5.
HEADUstimulateschildren's minds through play and with the help of funny educational devices, organized in a personalized menu of skills, to develop in a spontaneous and non-obligatory way, with apermanent learning capacity.
The set includes: puzzle in the shape of a train; 15 cards for children.
The Ecoplay range from Headu stands out for the use of fully recyclable materials.
Why choose HEADU?
The digital revolution, the growing increase in information, the explosion of the potential of science and technology and the acceleration of globalization, make it essential nowadays to have new ways of thinking and new ways of learning: from small children to adults, at school , at work and in life.
The missionof the brand
HEADU stimulates children's minds through play and with the help of funny educational devices, organized in a personalized menu of skills, to develop in a spontaneous and non-obligatory way, with a permanent learning capacity.