Discover the thematic universe of BRUDER construction vehicles, an extremely popular one, where the toys are impeccably finished and boast detailed functions. The BRUDER wheel loader has recently been added to this successful section, a vehicle that impresses with its ingenious BRUDER design, offering outstanding functionality and easy handling. Thanks to the central handle, the entire loading arm can be raised, lowered and can move the bucket. Equipped with high-profile tires and articulated steering, this new wheel loader stands out for its outstanding performance even in a sandbox. Vehicle design details: - Tipper bucket Chassis details: - Articulated steering - Tires with profile Movement and function: - Arm with fully functional bucket General information: - Recommended age: suitable from 2 years onwards, for playing both indoors and outdoors exterior - Made of high quality plastic materials, such as ABS - Scale 1:16
At the center of every product made by BRUDER, there is the child playing.
The game is not an end in itself, but allows children to live experiences from the world of adults that they can use for their own development.
In accordance with this principle, BRUDER products are developed as "model toys" . They encourage children to imitate real life in the form of role-playing games; functional to help them understand technical environments, allowing them to "understand by grasping". Special attention is paid to the well-balanced interaction of easy-to-maneuver game functions and models that are close to reality and offer the highest possible level of stability. The slogan of the BRUDER company "just like the original" manifests itself, in particular, in the Pro Series and bworld products.
Due to its high quality products, BRUDER ranks among the most important manufacturers of plastic vehicles in Europe.
BRUDER constantly strives to achieve a high level of customer satisfaction, which is based on innovation, expertise in plastic technology and concern for the environment, while using resources in a responsible way.
Weight: 1469 g
Dimensions: 56 x 25.5 x 19 cm (length x height x width)
Age: 2+ years