"We design fun, high-quality games, toys, books and apps to teach children essential skills using an innovative teaching method." - Headu founders
Once upon a time, a lazy lion tried to climb a huge baobab tree, but fell to the ground and met a huge crocodile...Put the books between your fingers, create funny characters and invent as many stories as you want!
The new Let's Play Theater Cards from HEADUstimulatechildren's minds through play and with the help offunnyeducational devices , organized in a personalized menu of skills, to unfold in a spontaneous and non-obligatory way, with a permanent learning capacity.
The set includes: 16 books of modular dolls and Instructions.
TEACHER TESTED is a term related to education and is used to describe a learning method commonly used and accepted by schools and teachers around the world.
Why choose HEADU?
The digital revolution, the growing increase in information, the explosion of the potential of science and technology and the acceleration of globalization, make it essential nowadays to have new ways of thinking and new ways of learning: from small children to adults, at school , at work and in life.
The missionof the brand
HEADU stimulates children's minds through play and with the help of funny educational devices, organized in a personalized menu of skills, to develop in a spontaneous and non-obligatory way, with a permanent learning capacity.
Box dimensions: 11.7 x 11.7 x 4.7 cm (length x height x width)